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Wellcome to edu.bengaliportal.com Best for Job Exam Preparation, edu.bengaliportal.com Today we bring for you Chhattisgarh Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022. Every year various exams CTET | WBTET | WBCS । MPTET | ATET| UPTET | Rajasthan PTET | TNTET | Karnataka TET | RTET | HTET| PSTET। BANK EXAM etc. We have given you various exam preparation papers for free. Ajjkal.com Brought to you today Chhattisgarh Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022.

Chhattisgarh Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022
Are you preparing for cg police recruitment ? then check latest cg police syllabus 2022. Chhattisgarh police, new raipur, government of cg going to conduct the police recruitment examination for constable (male and female) posts shortly. CG police department will be issued an employment notification to hire skilled & talented candidates for various constable posts, there is a good opportunity for all the government job seekers, who are preparing for working in the cg police department. Huge number of latest job hunters are dreaming to garb the police job. To achieve the chance candidates have to prepare well to qualify in the written examination. So participants who are going to appearing for the exam they can acquire the latest cg police constable syllabus 2022 provided on this page.
❏ CG police constable syllabus 2022 :-
Candidates who have submit their application form, they can download cg police constable syllabus 2022 pdf and start their exam preparation to secure selection in the police department and serve the nation. As per news, cg police recruitment 2022 soon release. The examination cell release official update regarding chhattisgarh police constable syllabus 2022 pdf in hindi. So stay aware and make continue exam preparation. Police exam consist various subject in exam syllabus. We have given below complete exam pattern & syllabus.
❏ CG Constable Syllabus for Written Examination :-
❏ Reasoning Topic Wise Syllabus :-
Verbal and Figure Classification
Visual Memory
Spatial Visualization
Similarities & Differences
Nonverbal series
Decision Making
Embedded Figures
Coding & Decoding
Arithmetic Reasoning
Relationship Concepts
Syllogistic reasoning
Statement Conclusion
Decision Making
Problem Solving
Relationship Concepts.
Space Visualization.
Similarities & Differences
Arithmetical Number Series.
Figural Series.
Arithmetical Reasoning.
Verbal & Figure Classification.
Analysis & Judgment.
Visual Memory.
Data Sufficiency
❏ Geometry Topic Wise Syllabus :-
Statistical Charts
Time and Distance
Boats and Streams
Data Interpretation
Pipes and Cisterns
Number System.
Square roots.
Decimals & Fraction
Ratio and Proportion.
Profit and Loss.
Simple & Compound Interest.
Time and Work.
Use of Tables and Graphs
❏ General Knowledge Topic Wise Syllabus :-
Current Affairs – National & International.
Science & Technology
Countries & Capitals
World Organization
Indian Art and Culture
Days and Year
Indian History
Indian Constitution
Famous Personalities.
Committees & Commissions.
Books & Authors.
Important Places.
❏ CG Police Constable Syllabus 2022 :-
Aspirants who have applied for recruitment and prepared for physical and written exam can read cg police last year papers also. candidates will be got cg constable previous papers from official site. they can download police exam previous papers in pdf format. candidates can prepared for examination by using previous year papers and get good marks and percentage in written examination. we have updated latest info regarding cg police syllabus 2022. if you have doubt or query then comment valuable thoughts.