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Wellcome to edu.bengaliportal.com Best for Job Exam Preparation, edu.bengaliportal.com Today we bring for you Bihar Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022. Every year various exams CTET | WBTET | WBCS । MPTET | ATET| UPTET | Rajasthan PTET | TNTET | Karnataka TET | RTET | HTET| PSTET। BANK EXAM etc. We have given you various exam preparation papers for free. Ajjkal.com Brought to you today Bihar Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022.

Bihar Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022
❏ Bihar Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022
Candidates now can download Bihar police constable syllabus 2022 in English for the written examination. The bihar police constable exam syllabus 2022 ensures a fair and impartial understanding between the instructor and Candidates such that there is minimam confusion on policies relating to the course. The syllabus will often contain a reading list of relevant books and articles that are compulsory or optional for Candidates to read. The organization has uploaded Police Exam official syllabus on their official website. Check detailed bihar police syllabus in the following section.
❏ Bihar Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022
Here The Candidates read to Subject and Topic wise Syllabus for the Bihar Police Constable Recruitment Exam.
◩ Subject – English Syllabus
Topic Wise Syllabus:-
Note & writing a summary of a passage
Comprehension of unseen factual/imaginative passages
Grammatical items and structures
Free Composition on familiar/contemporary issues
reading of essays/ informative pieces
reading poems for enjoyment and understanding
Various registers of English
Precis of a given passage
Translation from the mother tongue into English reading of tales/ short plays / short stories
◩ Subject – General Knowledge Syllabus
Topic Wise Syllabus:-
Current Events
National and international importance
Art & Culture
Everyday Science
Scientific Research
National/International Organizations /Institutions etc
◩ Subject – Physics Work, Energy, and Power Syllabus
Topic Wise Syllabus:-
The motion of System of Particles & Rigid Body
Physical World & Measurement
Laws of Motion
Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Matter
Atoms & Nuclei
Communication Systems
Properties of Bulk Matter
Heat & Thermodynamics
Alternating Currents
◩ Subject – Geography Syllabus
Topic Wise Syllabus:-
Fundamentals of Physical- Geography
Fundamentals of Human Geography- People, Human Activities, etc.
Indian Geography- Introduction, Physical aspects & drainage systems, etc.
Economic Geography- Resources, Man and Environment, etc.
◩ Subject – Economics Syllabus
Topic Wise Syllabus:-
Introduction to Economics
Introductory microeconomics- Introduction, Consumer Behaviour and Demand, etc.
Economic Development of Bihar & India- Development Policies and Experience (1947-90)
Economic Reforms since- 1991,
Current Challenges Facing the Economy of Bihar and India
Introductory macro-economic – National Income and related aggregates, Determination of Income and Employment, etc.
Organization and Presentation of Data, Statistical Tools, and Interpretation
Development Experience India- A comparison with neighbors
◩ Subject – History Syllabus
Topic Wise Syllabus:-
Pre-history, Proto-history, and History
The Pre-historic world
The Nationalist movements (1918 – 1947)
Partition and Independence
Visions of the new state
Ancient Civilizations
Vehicles of modernization,
Sanity Vs Motivated politics
The revolt of 1857
Modernisation affirmed
spread of modernization
Ills of Modernity
The Indian awakening in the 19th century
The Medieval Order,
Three Ideologies & their mutual conflicts
Political Science Concept of politics
Key Concepts
Union Executives
Electoral Systems in India
National Integration and challenges
Foreign Policy of India
State Executive
State Legislature
Working of local self-government with special reference to Bihar
Indian Judiciary
Theories of the Origin of State
❏ Bihar police constable syllabus 2022 :-
Bihar police constable board of is now going to organize a recruitment Exam for the post of constable. The official date of exam has not issued now. All the candidates can check and get bihar police constable 2022 syllabus in the page. All of you must download bihar police exam constable syllabus 2022 for better preparation. Bihar Police Official syllabus pdf is available here for downloading. As all of Candidates are know the syllabus contains all essential and important topics which questions will be asking in examination. Candidates are request they should make a proper study plan with exam syllabus and get Success.