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Wellcome to edu.bengaliportal.com Best for Job Exam Preparation, edu.bengaliportal.com Today we bring for you Assam Police Constable Syllabus 2022. Every year various exams CTET | WBTET | WBCS । MPTET | ATET| UPTET | Rajasthan PTET | TNTET | Karnataka TET | RTET | HTET| PSTET। BANK EXAM etc. We have given you various exam preparation papers for free. Ajjkal.com Brought to you today Assam Police Constable Syllabus 2022.

Assam Police Constable Syllabus 2022
Candidates now download pdf assam police syllabus 2022 new at www.police.assam.gov.in. In this article, we are providing the latest slprb ab ub written exam syllabus 2022 & exam pattern in detail. The candidates who have applied for the assam state police constable, sub inspector (si), fireman, armed/unarmed branch (ab ub), searcher, laboratory technician, police constable, assistant sub inspector (wireless operator), photographer must visit this web page to check the complete information of syllabus along with the exam pattern.
❏ Assam police constable syllabus 2022
Assam police recruitment board is going to conduct written exam for various constable vacancies. Some candidates male and female are doing preparation for assam police examination. The application form will be started soon. Now all applied candidates need assam police syllabus 2022 for this exam preparation. Many candidates have been applying application from for assam police.
❏ Assam Police Constable Syllabus 2022 :-
◾ Elementary Arithmetic :
- Number system
- Rational and irrational numbers
- Decimals and Fractions
- Prime and composite numbers
- HCF and LCM
- Ratio and proportion
- Average
- Percentages
- Profit and loss
- Discounts
- Simple interest
- Compound Interest
- Partnership
- Mensuration
- Time and distance
- Time and work
- Factorization
- Quadratic equations
- Matrices
- Algebra
- Trigonometry
- Geometry
- Elementary Statistics etc
◾ General English :
- Vocabulary
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Prefix, Suffix
- Question Tag
- Voices, Tenses
- Articles
- Infinitive, Gerund
- Plural forms
- Comprehension
- Compound words
- Blending words
- Fill in the blanks
- Degrees of comparison
- Simple, Compound, Complex
- Find out the errors
- Important lines from poems
- Biography of Poets
- Other Grammatical questions etc
◾ Logical Reasoning/ Mental Ability :
- Number Series
- Analogies
- Clocks, calendars
- Seating Arrangement
- Similarities and differences
- Linear and Matrix Arrangement
- Puzzles, Dice
- Coding Decoding
- Blood Relation
- Direction and Distances
- Order and Ranking
- Data Sufficiency
- Syllogism
- Logical reasoning
- Venn Diagrams
- Statement & Conclusion
- Data interpretation
- Data Analysis: Tabulation of data
- Visual representation of data etc
◾ Assam History, Geography, Polity, Economy :
- Geography of Assam
- History of Assam
- Assam Agriculture
- Assam Population
- Assam Economy
- Assam Polity
- Art & Culture of Assam
- Assam Natural Resources
- Current affairs of Assam state
- Latest Govt Schemes of Assam
- Current socio economic problems in Assam state etc.
◾ General Knowledge/ Awareness :
- History of India
- Geography of India
- Indian National Movement
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- General science
- Sports & games
- Books & authors
- Awards & honors
- Appointments
- Important days
- Eminent persons & places in news
- Govt welfare oriented schemes/ programmes
- National & International current Events etc
◾ SLPRB Police Constable Syllabus for Assamese Language :-
- অনুকার
- ক্রিয়া
- সমার্থক শব্দ
- ইটা শব্দটি প্রকাশ
- বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ
- উপসর্গ
- অনুসর্গ
- ব্যঞ্জন আরও বিসর্গ সন্ধি
- বাক্য পরিবর্তন
- স্বরসন্ধি
- ভুল বাক্যের সুধারানি
- অনুরূপ শব্দ
- অব্যয়
- লিঙ্গ
- কৃৎপ্রত্যায
- শব্দ বিভক্তি আরও কারাক
- বিশেষ্য
- বিশেষণ
- সর্বনাম