Paragraph: Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Air pollution is the release of harmful gases and particles in air. Its sources are many. They are emission of gases from the factories, black smoke of the vehicles, big fires, dust storms, smoke etc. burning of petrol, diesel, and petrochemicals are also other sources. They increase the level of carbon monoxide, hydrocar bons, nitrogen oxides etc.

Clean air is necessary for supply of oxygen and nitrogen. They ensure clean air. But polluted air dominates the human habitations. We breathe in polluted air. It causes lung and heart diseases, headache, vertigo, respiratory diseases. It makes the world warmer. Someday or other ice sheets may melt. Then the world will plunge into water. The ozone will be torn. Man will face extinction.

Causes of Air pollution:-

  1. Burning of fuels/fossil fuels
  2. Industrial Smokes
  3. Burning of coals
  4. Gas released by refrigerators, Air conditioners and other electric
  5. Cooling appliance
  6. Cigarette smokes
  7. Garbage smokes
  8. Fine Dust particles on the roads
  9. The smoke produced by volcano eruption
  10. Smoke created by forest fires
  11. Smoke exposed by fire-crackers

Air pollutants is the contamination of harmful gases in our environment. A growing population is one of the reasons behind airborne pollution. the group demands greater area to stay. The range of automobiles and growing industrialization is the end result of an increasing populace. The upward push in the amount of sulphide and different combinations of CO2 outcomes in toxicity within the environment.

there are numerous sorts of harmful elements like arsines and different great particles of the greenhouse gases that damage residing organisms. they’re launched by using man-made activities. but, a few natural failures also are a cause in the back of the increase within the toxicity of atmospheric air.