500+ Important English Questions

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500+ Important English Questions

1)Who is the first woman IAS officer?

(a) Kiran Bed b) Anna Chandi (c) Ujwala Rai (d) Anna George Malhotra.

(2) Who is the first Lady Magistrate?

(a) na Vail (b) Kiran Bedi (c) Omana Kunjamma (d) Ujjwala Rai. 

(3) which of the following is used to denote broad money?

(a) Af4 (b) M (c) M2 (d) M3

(4)Inflation Indexed Bonds is pegged to:

(a) Both WPI and CPI (b) WPI (c) CPI (d) None.

(5) What was the theme of Earth Day celebration on April 22, 2019?

(a) Protect our species (b) End plastic pollution (c) Environment and climate Literacy (d) Trees for the

(6)Earth 49, on which day is the world Malaria day held?

(a) April 25 (b) April 22 (c) April 23 (d) April 24 50 When is the

(7)International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action observed every year?

(a) 6 April (b) 3 April (c) 4 April (d) 5 April

(8) Quartz Crystals are commonly used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically:

(a) Germanium oxide (b) Sodium Silicate (c) Silicon dioxide (d) A mixture of Germanium oxide and silicon dioxide

(9) Tetraethyl lead is used as:

(a) petrol additive (b) pain killer (c)fire extinguisher (d) mosquito repellent

(10) The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material, is:

(a) peat (b) bitumen (c) anthracite (d) lignite

(11) the property of a substance absorbed by moisture absorption on the air. is called;

(a) desiccation (b) osmosis (c) deliquescence (d) eflorescence

(12) the average salinity of sea water is:

(a) 2% (b) 3% (c) 3. 5% (d) 2. 5%

(13) The group of metals Fe, Co, Ni may be best called as:

(a) rare metals (b) transition metals (c) main group metals (d) alkali metals

(14)Monazite is an ore of:

(a) thorium (b) titanium (c) zirconium (d) iron

(15) Permanent hardness of water may be removed by the addition of:

(a) alum (b) lime (c) sodium carbonate (d) potassium permanganate

(16) Most soluble in water is;

(a) Sugar (b) Camphor (c) Sulfur (d) Common salt a In fireworks,

(17) the green flame is produced because of.

a) potassium (b) Sodium (c) Barium (d) Mercury

(18) Bell metal is an alloy of:

(a) in and copper (b) nickel and copper (c) anc and copper (d) brass and nickel.

(19) w hich is not an isotope of hydrogen?

(a)Ovemum (b) Inturm (c) Deutenium (d) Penium. 

(20) Isotopes are separated by:

(a) filtration (b) sublimation (c) distillation (d) crystallisation. 

(21) The wavelength of X – rays is of the order of:

(a) 1 cm (b) 1 m (c) 1 angstrom (d) 10 micron

( 22) Mesons are found in:

(a) Cosmic rays (b) Gamma rays (c) Laser beam (d) X rays

(23) The isotope of uranium is capable of sustaining the chain reaction;

(a) U – 238 (b) U – 239 (c) U – 235 (d) U – 245

(24) No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers’;

(a) Bohr’s Law (b) Pauli’s Law of Exclusion (c) Newton’s Law (d) Aufbau’s Principle
(25)Nuclear fission is the effect of:

(a) electron (b) neutron (c) proton (d) deuteron.

( 26)One fathom is equal to:

(a) 100 cm (b) 6 feet (c) 6 meters (d) 60 feet

(27)Very short time intervals are accurately measured by:

(a) Pulsars (b) White dwarfs (c) Quartz clocks (d) Atomic clocks. 

(28) What is the unit of replication?

(a) Chromosome (b) DNA (c) Gene (d) Replicon. 

(29)Which protein maintains the condensed structure of chromosomes?

(a) Elastin (b) HSP (c) SMC (d) Collagen

(30) The Russian scientist who proposed the theory of life, was:

(a) Fox (b) Oparin (c) Haldane (d) Miller.

(31 ) Which one of the following organisms has a rolein converting nitrates to free nitrogen?

(a) Nitrobacter (b) Rhizobium (c) Pseudomonas (d) Nitrosomonas

(32)Which of the following hormones controls the blood pressure?

(a) Oxytocin (b) Testosterone (c) Vasopressin (d) Estrogen.

(33)A number that is divided by 10 leaves of a remainder of 9, when divided by 9 leaves of a remainder of 8 and when divided by 8 leaves of a remainder of 7, is:

(a) 359 (b) 1359 (c) 539 (d) 1539

(34) A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a buyer to obtain 3 kg more for Rs. 120, The original price of sugar per kg is:

(a) Rs. 8 (b) Rs. 15 (c) Rs. 12 (d) Rs. 10

(35)If the volume and surface area of ​​a sphere are numerically the same, then what is its radius?

(a) 4 units (b) 1 unit (c) 2 units (d) 3 units

(36) The length of one side of a rhombus is 6. 5 cm and its altitude is 10 cm. If the length of its diagonals is 26 cm, the length of the other diagonal will be:

(a) 26 cm (b) 6. 5 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 5 cm.

(37)A train passes a platform 9) Meters long in 30 sec and passes aman standing on the platform 15 sec. What is the speed of the train?

(a) 21. 6 km / h (b) 12. 4 km / h (c) 14. 6 kmh (d) 18. 4 km / h.

(38) A can complete a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 | days and C in 20 days. and C worked together for | two days and then A was replaced by B. In how many days was altogetlier the work completed?

(a) 8 days (b) 6 days (c) 10 days (d) 12 days

(39)A man goes from A to B at a uniform speed of 12 | kn / h and fetus with a uniform speed of 4 km / h, His | Average speed for the entire journey is:

(a) 4. 5 km /h(b) 8 km / h (c) 7. 5 km / h (d) 6 km / h

(40) ‘There are Rs. 225 consisting of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins, the ratio of their numbers to that of which is 8 5; What is the number of rupee toins?

(a) 172 (b) 80 (0) 112 (d) 160

(41) The compound interest on Rs. 10OO) In 2 years at 1% per annum, the interest being compounded half yearly, is:

(a) Rs. 828, 82 (b) Rs. 636. 80 (c) Rs. 824. 32 (d) Rs. 912, 86

(42) A shopkeeper marks his sarees at 20% above the cost – price and allows the buyer to buy 10% off a discount for cash. What per cent of profit does he make?

(a) 8% (b) 10% (c) 12% (c) 18%.

(43) A number when divided by the sum of 555 and 44. 5, gives two times their difference as quotient and 3 as the remainder, what is the number?

(a) 125 () (b) 1220 (c) 220030 (d) 22015.

(44) In an examination 60% of the students pass in English, 70% pass in Hindi and 40% pass in both. What percent of students fail in both Hindi and English?

(a) 30% (b) 10% (c) 20% (d) 25%

(45) The difference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number. If the smaller number is 20, the larger number is;

(a) ৪০ (b) 50 (c) 45 (d) 25

(46)If the area of ​​a triangle is 1176 cm and the ratio of base and relative altitude is 3: 4, what is the altitude of the triangle?

(a) 54 cm (b) 56 cm (c) 52 cm (d) 42. cm

(47) By selling an article for Rs. 480 a person lost 20%. For what should he sell it to make a profit of 20%?

(a) Rs. 680 (b) Rs. 8O) (c) 760 (d) Rs. 720.

(48) If a sum of money is divided into A, B, C such that A’s share is equal to twice B’s share and B’s share is 4 times C’s share, then their shares are in the ratio;

(a) 8: 4 :1 (b) 2: 4; 1 (c) 1; 4: 1 (d) 1: 2: 4

(49) The product of the LCM and HCF is two numbers. The difference of the two numbers is 2. What are the numbers?

(a) 6 and 4 (b) 3 and 6 (c) 8 and 10 (d) 8 and 6

(50) The simple interest on a certain sum at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4 years differ Rs. 42, What is | the sum?

(a) Rs. 840 (b) Rs. 210 (c) Rs. 750 (d) Rs. 280.

(51) The average of five numbers is 27. If one number is | excluded, the average becomes 25. What is the | excluded number?

(a) 35 (b) 30 (c) 27 (d) 25.

(52) If a; b = 7: 9 and bc = 15: 7, then what is a: c =?

(a) 7: 21 (b) 3: 5 (c) 5: 3 (d) 7: 15.

Answer :-

1 (d), 2 (c), 3 (d), 4(b), 5(a), 6 (a), 7(c), 8(c), 9(a), 10 (a), 11(c), 12(c), 13(b), 14 (a), 15 (c), 16 (a), 17(c), 18 (a), 19 (a), 20(c), 21(c), 22(a), 23 (c), 24(b), 25(b), 26(b), 27(d), 28 (d), 29 (c), 30 (b), 31 (b), 32(c), 33 (a), 34 (d), 35 (d), 36 (d), 37 (a), 38 (a), 39 (d), 40 (d), 41 (c), 42(a), 43(c), 44 (b), 45 (d), 46(b), 47 (d), 48(a), 49 (a), 50 (a), 51 (a), 52(c),