Sikkim Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022

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Wellcome to Best for Job Exam Preparation, Today we bring for you Sikkim Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022. Every year various exams   CTET | WBTET | WBCS । MPTET | ATET| UPTET | Rajasthan PTET | TNTET | Karnataka TET | RTET | HTET| PSTET। BANK EXAM etc. We have given you various exam preparation papers for free. Brought to you today Sikkim Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022. 


Sikkim Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022

❏ Sikkim Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022

Candidates now can download Sikkim police constable syllabus 2022 in English for the written examination. The Sikkim police constable exam syllabus 2022 ensures a fair and impartial understanding between the instructor and Candidates such that there is minimam confusion on policies relating to the course. The syllabus will often contain a reading list of relevant books and articles that are compulsory or optional for Candidates to read. The organization has uploaded Police Exam official syllabus on their official website. Check detailed Sikkim police syllabus in the following section.

❏ Sikkim Police Constable Exam Syllabus 2022

Here The Candidates read to Subject and Topic wise Syllabus for the Sikkim Police Constable Recruitment Exam.

◩ Subject – General Knowledge Syllabus

Topic Wise Syllabus:-

Famous Days & Dates

Scientific Developments

Nonrenewable energy sources


Environment problems


Scientific facts

Sports – current affairs related to Police fields

Geography of India




Mineral sources

Rivers and river projects

Historical and Geographical importance

Economic and industrial achievements


Basic facts about Sikkim

◩ Subject – Reasoning Syllabus

Topic Wise Syllabus:-

Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Verbal Reasoning.

Logical Reasoning.

Data Interpretation.

Analytical Reasoning.

Number Series.

Letter and Symbol Series.

Verbal Classification.

Essential Part.


 Artificial Language.

Matching Definitions.

Statement and Conclusion

Theme Detection.

Cause and Effect.

Statement and Argument.

Logical Deduction.

Making Judgments.


Data Sufficiency.

Logical Problems

◩ Subject – Numerical Ability Syllabus

Topic Wise Syllabus:-

Ratio and Proportions.

 Data Interpretation.

 Decimal & Fractions.

 Number System.

 Mixtures & Allegations.


 Compound Interest.



 Simple Interest.

 Time and Distance.

 Problems on Ages.


 Time and Work.

 Profit and Loss.

❏ Sikkim police constable syllabus 2022 :-

Sikkim police constable board of is now going to organize a recruitment Exam for the post of constable. The official date of exam has not issued now. All the candidates can check and get Sikkim police constable 2022 syllabus in the page.  All of you must download Sikkim police exam constable syllabus 2022 for better preparation. Sikkim Police Official syllabus pdf is available here for downloading. As all of Candidates are know the syllabus contains all essential and important topics which questions will be asking in examination. Candidates are request they should make a proper study plan with exam syllabus and get Success.